| Abstract Detail
Pollination Biology Annis, Jenna [1], Primer, Samantha B. [2], Molano-Flores, Brenda [3], Coons, Janice [4], Feist, Mary Ann [5]. Pollination requirements and self-compatibility of Godfrey’s butterwort, Pinguicula ionantha(Lentibulariaceae). The butterworts (Pinguicula L.) comprise a carnivorous plant genus of approximately 80 species with six endemic to the Florida Panhandle. Habitat loss has resulted in five of these southeastern species being state listed, with Pinguicula ionantha also being federally listed. Knowledge of reproductive biology for these species is essential to their conservation. Pinguicula flowers have a unique herkogamic positioning of reproductive structures, which indicates that butterworts may be obligate outcrossers. However, no previous studies have assessed the pollination requirements and/or self-compatibility of butterworts in the southeastern US. This study investigated the breeding system of Pinguicula ionantha. The objectives were to (1) determine if successful pollination and fertilization of P. ionantha requires outcrossing, and (2) to investigate if pollen vectors are required for the species. During February-March, 2013, five populations of P. ionantha within Apalachicola National Forest (ANF), St. Joseph Bay State Buffer Preserve (SJBSBP), Tate’s Hell State Forest (THSF) and Tyndall Air Force Base (TAFB), FL were assessed for autogamy vs. xenogamy. Both open pollination and hand self-pollinated individuals produced over 50% fruit set, indicating pollination and fertilization occurred. Â In addition, one non-pollinated/bagged individual produced a fruit. High fruit set with selfed hand pollinations and low fruit set with non-pollinated individuals suggests that autogamy is possible but extremely limited, and that a pollen vector is required. High fruit set of open pollinated individuals suggests that an insect vector is involved with pollination. However, no pollinators have been identified for P. ionantha. Declines in populations of P. ionantha warrant further investigation into the specific pollen vector(s) required for this self-compatible species. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - Eastern Illinois University, 1680 University Dr. Apt 10, Charleston, IL, 61920, USA 2 - 506 W. Griggs Street, Apt 304, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA 3 - ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY, CENTER FOR WILDLIFE And PLANT ECOLOGY, 1816 South Oak Street, CHAMPAIGN, IL, 61820-6970, USA 4 - Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave, CHARLESTON, IL, 61920-3099, USA 5 - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Botany, 430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI, 53706, USA
Keywords: Pinguicula ionantha pollination Florida pollen vector.
Presentation Type: Poster:Posters for Topics Session: P Location: Eyrie/Boise Centre Date: Monday, July 28th, 2014 Time: 5:30 PM Number: PPL007 Abstract ID:531 Candidate for Awards:Ecological Section Best Graduate Student Poster |